The rise in cheap car insurance for women isn’t down to the fact that women are „better“ drivers than men, it simply comes down to statistics. These show that women drive fewer miles than men, and drive more cautiously than men, reducing the claims they make. A number of insurers now target deals exclusively towards women, but you can get even cheaper prices by following the three steps below.

1) Younger Women Can Save Money Too!

Statistics prove that car insurance claims made by men are usually higher than those made by women, and male drivers under the age of 20 are likely to claim as much as double as women. This is fantastic news for young women who want to save money on their car insurance – they are already at an advantage!

Affordable auto insurance for women who are young or new drivers is best sought from a company who offers specific insurance for females. However, it’s also worth looking for policies that offer a no claims discount (female drivers are less likely to make any claims).

2) Increase Your Discounts

As with any other kind of car insurance, finding cheap car insurance for women may mean taking advantage of as many discounts as possible. For example, a higher deductible (as long as you can afford it should the need arise) can mean a lower premium. Other extras you could decline to reduce costs include medical coverage, towing, rental and so on. You may also find that you are covered in these areas through other policies.

3) There Are Still Ways To Save Even Further

The real „secret“ to finding cheap car insurance for women is to research, and that means going beyond simply choosing an insurance firm that caters specifically to women. You should compare insurers across the board for what you’re looking for – and you should make the effort to reduce your premium even further by keeping a no claims bonus, choosing your car model carefully, and adding security devices to your vehicle to prevent theft.

Starting your search for cheap car insurance for women is often easiest using a comparison site. That way you can see female-only insurers up against standard insurers, looking at what they have to offer, comparing premiums and deductibles. Being a women puts you in a great position for finding affordable auto insurance, as long as you’re willing to put in a little effort to do the research!

It’s easier than you think to find cheap car insurance for women, thanks to online comparisons. Just enter your zip at Affordable Auto Insurance and you could have all the best quotes within minutes!