Loans may not always offer the best solution to your financial problems, and there are many hidden dangers which could ultimately make your current situation worse, not better. Beware of Debt Consolidation Loans because often times these programs will only provide short term relief without offering consumers long term help with their debt.

Those who take on such solutions can end up significantly worsening their situation, unless they are careful. Ultimately, it’s far wiser to change one’s spending and credit habits and avoid exascerbating a situation that may already be getting our of control.

A debt consolidation loan is structured in such a way that it takes your existing debt, which can be owed to various lenders, credit card companies, retail stores, school loans, car companies and mortgage holders and pays off all of those debts with one new bigger loan, which totals the amount of all the other loans.

Imagine if you have credit card bills, car loans and school loans under one payment scheme. Of course the lender would say that this process is stress free and that you can consolidate all the loans into a single low monthly payment scheme. However this is only offers a short term resolution to the current situation. There are often hidden fees and other fees that might occur during the payment of the consolidated loan.

Most obviously, without a change in spending and credit habits, the person may soon accumulate more debt on all the credit cards that currently have a zero balance. Now, they not only owe the debt consolidation loan of $35,000, before they know it they have maxed out their credit cards and are once again back to $10,000 balance, making their total debt $45,000.

Another concern is the interest rate and fees paid for these debt consolidation loans versus credit card and other loans. Student loans are typically at a low interest rate, and the rates offered for a debt consolidation loan may be higher, resulting in more money paid out to the lending company and less savings for the consumer.

There could be additional charges and processing fees, adjustable and fluctuating terms that rise over time, and other undisclosed fees. A loan with a low rate that is consolidated into a loan with a higher rate, means more money being paid to the bank, and less money in your pocket.

The goal for any borrower is to get the lowest interest rate possible, with the best terms and fees, to decrease their overall amount of debt. Historically, many people who consolidate debt without a change in spending habits and credit use increase their overall debt to an amount greater than what they had before consolidation.

One of the best solutions is a debt management plan. These plans allow professionals to negotiate directly with your lenders, getting a reduction in the amount owed, as well as a freezing interest and penalties. They also offer the best possible payment terms. You simply make a single monthly affordable payment into your debt management plan, which then distributes the payments to all of your creditors and lenders. You will only have only one payment to make, and over time you can reduce and eventually eliminate your debt, while no longer being financially stretched.

Want to avail of the best debt consolidation ? Debt help in Ireland has never been easier. Visit Debt Relief Ireland now for expert advice.