If you have ever fallen behind by a few payments to your creditors, you know that after a couple months they won’t give up in their missions to get their money back. They will harass you non-stop, including calling your home phone number all day long. They will even call your work phone to try and intimidate you.

It doesn’t have to be this way though. By simply hiring a debt consolidation lawyer, you can make the calls almost instantly stop. The creditors won’t want to risk a lawsuit for harassment if they know you have a lawyer. Your debt consolidation lawyer will keep the harassment at bay, and help you aim for the financial freedom you want. There are three main reasons you want to hire a lawyer.

Anytime you close an account for less than full value, you will end up taking a hit on your credit score. This is unavoidable, and will happen to everyone in the situation.

Another helpful feature of debt consolidation is the fact that you can quickly repay all of your debt without asking the creditors to cut you some slack. When you file for bankruptcy, this erases all of your debt, but it also places a mark on your credit report that you aren’t capable of repaying your loans. Settlements end up working the same way. These both show that the creditor might not get their money back from you. When they see a debt consolidation loan, they see that you are an individual that doesn’t need to ask for help to pay your bills. You can be lent money, and it will be returned. You still owe the same amount of money, so it won’t even factor into your credit score.

Debt collection agencies constantly test the edge of the law while trying to intimidate you into paying your debts. They will send you mail, call you non stop, and even try to call you at your work. When you hire a debt consolidation lawyer, the harassing mail and calls stop instantly. The collectors will start to give you the respect you deserve. This alone is a great reason to hire a debt consolidation lawyer.

If you need more info: creditreliefact.com