Those in Network Marketing today understand that they are the only ones who can control their future in terms of wealth. You can’t simply get a degree and expect the same company to take care of you for 45 years until you retire anymore.

Today, we need to become the most valuable person we can be in this changing economy in order to adapt to the changing marketplace. This is all about getting a REAL education, outside of school, and outside any other training you have. This is about taking your passion, your interests, or even a hobby – and using it, combined with technology, to build a business.

This new economy is so great! The new „currency“ is knowledge and information – where it used to be gold, steel, or oil. Knowing that gaining knowledge and information can make you wealthy, how fast can you learn something new, or implement new knowledge?

So with that said, I would like to say that the greatest industry today to get involved in, because of technology, with the least amount of risk and the greatest amount of potential – for not only income but also the ability to teach you leadership, mindset, and marketing – is network marketing today.

The home business industry is experiencing a revolution! If you combine technology (a.k.a. the internet) with a proven system (i.e. a network marketing company) and You, Inc (your passions and interests), you can absolutely break away from the dependency on the old school economy and build a residual income in your life. You know the old way – go to school, get an job, and hope for the best. We know that doesn’t work!

So again – network marketing today is knowing how to adapt in this new economy. If you don’t have a college education – or even if you do – the important thing is that you understand how important it is to leverage technology.

There are resources available to build a global business and become an entrepreneur who can make a fortune. It’s about having a business that can do 6 or 7 figures with no overhead because you’re leveraging technology.

The point is, you should be looking (especially if you’re a business minded person) to work for yourself and become that entrepreneur instead of a worker bee in a cubicle, stagnating your creativity because you have to follow the „rules“ all the time.

Network marketing today is about ingenuity, creativity, authenticity – about taking your passions, strengths, and god-given abilities – and turning them into a business. Your product, passion, idea, knowledge, is someone else’s solution to their problem. That’s what Network Marketing today is all about.

In the current industry, you can find a business with a product or service that aligns with your passion, and turn it into your own business. You can do it part time, around your schedule, and you can build a global business from your very own home. It’s all about educating yourself that there are new ways of doing things.

You can adapt and use social media and all the different online marketing strategies and resources to tap into the unlimited vast amount of people, and really build yourself an incredible business so you’re not dependent on a job. It’s about going back to your entrepreneurial roots so you can do that for yourself. It’s about You, Inc., and making it happen around who you are, and there’s no better way to do that except for Network Marketing today.

Before you join just any company, make sure you check Eric Henderson’s excellent free resource on Network Marketing Today. Get your hands on his free report that can take your Network Marketing business to new heights!