Nobody wants to be cold in their own home all winter. But many older homes are very difficult to keep warm. One of the most problematic features are often old windows that let in a lot of cold air. Taking some simple steps to improve insulation is a fast and cost effective way to lower energy bills.

Caulking is a simple but effective way to deal with older windows. Caulk is usually made of silicone and is applied with an inexpensive caulk gun. Most people can tackle this draught proofing projects by themselves, even if they have never done it before. The first step is to remove the old caulk with a special knife. Then clean the window panes and carefully apply a new layer of caulk. This is a good way to prolong the life of older windows and make the home more comfortable.

There are plenty of insulating products available at a local home improvement store. The helpful staff are available to advice and point out the most effective remedies. Many people are looking for something very inexpensive to use in a rental apartment. In these situations they do not want to spend much as they do not own the place.

One of the best ways to stay comfortable through a cold London winter is to contact a sash window draught proofing company. These professionals can have the home properly insulated within a day or two. Many of the things they do are quite simple and inexpensive. One of the first steps is to add draught proofing strips to the bottom of the windows.

Searching on line is another good way to find helpful advice about insulating a home or business. You Tube videos are available that will show some of the easy techniques for keeping the warm air in and the cold air out. Even something as simple as a draught stopper at the bottom of the door can help. Some people sew their own window draught stoppers too. They are a cheap way to add some visual interest as well as keep the room warm.

Window insulation kits are sold in most hardware and home improvement stores. They are very easy to use and the kit contains enough plastic sheets and double sided tape to cover several large windows. The plastic creates an air barrier and there is an immediate and noticeable difference in the indoor air temperature.

One of the easiest ways to keep a room warm that is often overlooked is thermal curtains. Really good curtains are very effective at reducing heating costs and keeping the occupants comfortable. They are available in lots of wonderful colors and can really brighten up a room. They are perfect to use in a rental flat as they are not a permanent fixture.

Insulation is not as difficult as most people think. It simply takes some time and research. Working with an experienced contractor is also a fast way to learn some handy tips and techniques. For a small investment it is usually possible to save a significant amount of money on heating costs.

For more details about reliable sash window draught proofing London homeowners can be seen here. You can check out the best sash window repairs West London professionals provide at our home pages.