Becoming wealthy and amassing riches might be the goal of most of the world. Why is it that so many people give up on this dream and simply exist? Having a plan to create wealth and remove yourself from the rat race should be a goal and not just a dream.

True secure wealth is achieve by making money, saving a good portion of that money and investing as much as possible into a vehicle that will turn a profit on its own. If you are lacking in any of these three areas then your plan of achieving wealth will flounder and probably fail. If you haven’t put money aside in savings and instead you have spent it as quickly as it come to you then you are treading on dangerous ground. Of course, bringing money into your life is the most important part of the whole equation but keep savings and investing in mind as you move forward with your plan. Saving can be difficult for most of us but it is a key part of creating true wealth in this life.

Building wealth and creating money out of thin air might sound like a dream but this is going to be your first step. There is a very good chance that you have knowledge or a burning desire that draws you in one direction. It might be a hobby or interest or a natural knack for something. You have an inborn skill that once it is cultivated can and will be used to provide value to others. Perhaps there is something that comes naturally to you. There is a topic or area that you have a natural ability for that you can use to solve a common problem that people have.

This skill might be one that you are currently using in your present job. You are making someone else rich as they use your skill to solve problems or provide value to the world. There is also a possibility that you interests lie elsewhere. What do you find the most joy doing? Is there something that makes you happy in life that could be turned into a marketable skill? Maybe you enjoy hunting for antiques and this interests you. You could become an expert in a particular area that you enjoy. Perhaps you love gardening and everyone tells you that you have a green thumb. You could write a book filled with your tips and tricks or start an organic farm. Then again, it could be that you have a mind for numbers and you have an uncanny ability to find profitable stocks. Presently, you work in an office doing mind numbing work but in your off hours these are things you enjoy. Furthering your education in the area that makes you happy needs to be your first step in leveraging this skill that you take for granted. Fill your mind with as much knowledge about the thing you love and start to take it seriously because this is going to be your ticket to wealth.

Time is always short in life. We all have only so many days on this earth and we all have 24 hours in a day. Often we get bogged down with the little things in life that we would be better off allowing someone else to do for us. This is called outsourcing or delegating. Anything that robs you of precious time during your day or week, hire someone to do it for you. If you grow resentful because you have to cut the lawn every week, hire a high school student to cut your grass. If you find you’re spending too much time cleaning the house, hire a maid to come in once a week to clean for you. You will find that the payoff is that by paying someone to take care of these chores, you become more profitable.

Now, if you are someone that has a difficult time with controlling these aspects of your life then you have two choices. You can either let it go completely or you can tell yourself that this arrangement is only temporary. If you become stressed because the person you hire to clean the house doesn’t put the glasses in the cabinet the way you like, you can either ask them to do it differently or you can simply deal with it. If the boy that you hire to cut the grass misses a few spots, you can tell yourself that there will come a day when you will be able to hire professionals to come and do your landscaping. Try to put a positive spin on all of this and understand that all of this is for your own good. Forget about these little things in life and concentrate on creating wealth.

You have probably heard the saying that you shouldn’t keep all of your eggs in one basket. This is very true when it comes to investing and building wealth. You should have different projects going on in your life that will bring you wealth. You might only be minimally involved with one or two of them but having a shareholder’s stake in a few different ventures is just good business. You will always gravitate towards one project but having a mastermind or small investment group that you’re part of can diversify your income while minimizing risk.

Finding other likely investors or entrepreneurs is simple. You might have a few likely candidates that you’re thinking of right now. You could have a friend that loves fixing up antique cars and another that enjoys writing computer programs in his or her spare time. Approaching them and coming up with an agreement where you meet on a regular basis to help motivate each other and support each other through the lean times is a good business move. By sharing the risks of each others businesses and reaping a small portion of the reward from each others businesses you all limit the risk of failure and improve your chances of success. Put everything in writing and be honest and fair with each other. Don’t allow greed to enter into your partnership and always let it be understood that you will always be honest with each other.

Creating wealth and being clever with your time while mitigating your exposure to risk is a simple way to become rich rather quickly. If you are able to focus on what you are skilled at while offering value to others, you will become successful. Make good use of your time and partner up with other like minded individuals for different projects. You will find that once you manage your time and resources, you will have more money making opportunities than there are hours in the day.

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