Creating wealth quickly and feeling the freedom that comes from abundance is probably something that you think of often. The desire to have all your bills paid, money to do what you desire as well as know that your financial future is secure is something that we all want. We want things and we want to give the people that we love a better life and a bright future. We want to leave something behind to be remembered by whether it be a charity in our name or children that have grown up to be strong and wise. We all want a better life for ourselves and the ones we love.

Creating wealth quickly is a relative term but here lies the problem. Many people are so wrapped up in creating wealth quickly that they give up before they even begin. They see little or no progress because they are unwilling to commit to creating wealth in their life. They would prefer to sit on the couch at night, watch TV and dream about being wealthy. They are resistant to change, even if it is short term change to achieve a goal such as financial freedom that might be reached in a year or two.

In order to create wealth as quickly as possible you should focus on eliminating debt and expenses as soon as possible. Paying off the smallest debt first and then taking that money budgeted for that debt and using it to pay off the next debt often works best. Interest payments accumulated over a year can quickly add up. If you take a look at this and calculate how much you are paying in interest, you may be shocked. That is your money that you’re giving away every year to make someone else rich. Hold onto that money. There might be something that you can do with it someday.

Leverage your time to start a small business. This time spent creating a business and executing that plan will pay you huge dividends in the future as your business grows. All of us have skills that we can make profitable. We all have interests that with very little effort can be turned into a marketable asset for you and your family.

Maybe you love fly fishing or boating. You could start a business building canoes or as a fly fishing guide. Perhaps you have a knack for interior design or home staging. You could start a business based around this interest or you could write a helpful book that includes your knowledge and expertise. Now, before you discover everything wrong with this plan, keep in mind that you are probably being resistant to change. There are people that start very profitable businesses using this very method every year. Why shouldn’t you do this again? If you’re worried that this business is going to consume all your free time or that you’re going to grow to hate your chosen interest then just relax. For every problem there is a solution.

While anybody can start a small business and make it somewhat profitable if they are talented at the business that they are focused on, growing a business is often another story. Being able to grow your business so it provides a substantial income requires diligence and strength. You will be tempted to spend the money that you make. A wise investor and businessman invests his profits back into his business. Investing in advertising and hiring some part time help, at first, will help you to quickly scale your business into a thriving monster in no time. Soon you’ll need more help and employees as your business grows exponentially. As your business grows you can either bring on a partner or hire a manager to take care of running the business when you wish to enjoy life or live that life of financial freedom that you dream of.

In addition to expanding or growing your business, it is wise to invest in other revenue generating vehicles. You can either start another business or invest some of your profits into stocks, bonds, precious metals such as gold or any other investment that you are familiar with and feel comfortable with. Plan your investments to work together with your financial goals. Pick both long term and short term investments that will give you the flexibility to reap rewards quickly as well as those investments that offer tax benefits and long term earning potential for later on in life.

As you can see, by lowering your debt and creating more profit in your life over the next year or two, you can turn your life from one of existing into one of financial abundance. Be ruthless with yourself during this time. There will be days when you want to forget about this idea. It is those days when you need to be strong and stern with yourself. Your financial future depends upon it and the sooner you get to work the more quickly you are going to be able to create the kind of wealth you dream of.

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