Occasionally, after a tough day at work, we may take a moment to fantasize about a life of working from home. Often, our imaginings consist of us waking up whenever we choose and going about our day with minimal stress and copious breaks, all while wearing a comfortable pair of sweatpants.

While many may share in this fantasy, it turns out our imaginings are quite far from the truth. If you find yourself continuously entertaining the idea of working from home, then perhaps you should review these points about self-employment.

Pack up foods you loved as a kid (did someone say Squeeze-its and Twinkies?), grab a blanket, some friends, and head outdoors. Enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, and the craze that will overcome you when that candy starts pouring out.

Every once in a while we may run into a self-employed individual who runs a business that is so successful that they can afford to kick their feet up and watch the money pour in, but recognize that this is not the norm. The large majority of self-employed people have to show a huge display of discipline to ensure they are making the best use of their time and that all of their work is being done. And if they decide to relax and take it easy for a day, they’ll most likely see their income suffer as a result.

Jack, 22, physical therapy: „Me.“ Colbin, 24, mathematics: „Not me.“

Four – Trail running. There is something about trail running that taps into the roots of human nature. No equipment needed – just your body and the trails becoming one.

One of the most frightening aspects of self-employment is the fact that you must take care of your own health care arrangements. While purchasing your own health insurance is not always as terrible as you might think, it will take some work.

Although there are affordable health care options available for purchase; you may also consider coverage through your spouse’s plan, joining a trade group for self-employment, or applying for governmental aid.

No matter how you do it, spending time outside is a treasure of life we can’t let slip by and affordable health insurance is has got your back when you are ready to roam. Go simple or go extreme. Take an hour or take a month. The important thing is that we all take the time to enjoy the natural and beautiful world around us!

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