It may be time to seek a better job if you’re bored with your current job or feel you’re stuck in a no-win situation with no chance of advancement. Just don’t give up your day job yet. At least until you’ve found something better unless you have a working spouse who’s very understanding.

Asking yourself what you’d like to be doing is also a good idea. Your special interests and skills are the things you need to consider. In the present time and at school, where did you excel? Near and long term goals are the things you need to set.

Examine your present job to determine you can change jobs within the company or if there’s a chance of advancement. To find out your options, talk with your boss or company counselor.

You shouldn’t express your unhappiness with what you’re doing or threaten them with leaving. Just let them know you want to do better and ask what they can do to help. Most companies will try to help you become the best the you can be. If doing better is what the employee wants, then it’s also for the better of the company.

Determine what you’re qualified for and if it doesn’t fit with what you want then get qualified by attending school, taking special classes or reading books. You need to be realistic when it comes to your job expectations. Few people start at the top. When you update your resume, highlight your strengths and education. If you prepared your own resume, double check for accuracy and neatness.

Your springboard to a new and better job is a good interview. Make sure you wear the appropriate clothes for the job you’re seeking. Rather than dress down, it’s better if you dress up. It’s important to be enthusiastic, make good eye contact, and show knowledge about the position you’re applying for. Never speak badly about your former or current employer.

Try turning your hobby or special interest into a career. You can make money with your hobby while you’re continuing your present job. A good source of second income can be the pastime that you enjoy doing.

You can sell the jewelry you made on an online auction or craft fair. Becoming a jewelry salesperson and advance to a jewelry buyer or repair person can also be an option.

Another hobby that offers many opportunities is writing and as long as you have a laptop you can do this at home or anywhere you want. If you’re a travel writer, you may not get rich but you will get some perks like eating for free or traveling.

Ghostwriters to write interesting articles and sales letters are what some entrepreneurs who sell things online are looking for. Good copywriters are always in demand to work from home or at an advertising agency.

Being good with animals, dancing, and gardening are examples of talents that offer opportunities to be moneymakers or job changers. To see if jobs are being offered in these related fields, check the ads. Getting a better job takes time and effort. But it will be worth it if you’re not happy with your current place of employment. It’s up to you to get the job search ball rolling.

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