Business owners and high end executives always seem to drive really nice luxury cars, we all know this but have you ever stopped to think why? Is it simply an extravagant display of wealth? Or is there actually more to it? The truth of the matter is that to business owners and executives, image is very important. This is not a case of widespread vanity, its just that the people with these positions in a business tend to interact on a face to face level with new prospective clients. They understand the need to convey an image of dependability and trustworthiness, and the car they drive is actually therefore a very important factor.

Ok, we know that the image that a car portrays is important, but there are also other factors that should really be considered before deciding on a make and model for your new vehicle. Safety could be a big issue if you plan to use the car for personal use on the evenings and weekend, and the standards can vary greatly from one car to the next. Also you should probably look at fuel economy if you have to pay for any petrol or diesel that you use outside business hours. Size is also a factor, if you have three kids and a dog, then the chances are that a two seater sports car is going to cause a few problems.

Instead of choosing to purchase their fleet cars outright, many more astute businesses source their vehicles via contract hire car leasing, this means that they don’t have to worry about selling the cars after a couple of years, and that they know exactly what the fleet vehicles will cost them on a monthly basis. Because they get the leased cars replaced every few years, the manufacturers guarantee protects them from having to pay any repair bills whatsoever.

It is a common misconception that when you lease a vehicle you are limited with regards to the options available to you. a good leasing company will actually provide more options and not less, this is because unlike a traditional dealer who will only be able to provide one make of car, a leasing firm can provide any make and model, you will also be able to specify exactly what extras you would like, and choose the colour, engine size, and fuel type.

It is not only businesses who can benefit from vehicle leasing, in fact the number of private lease customers has sky rocketed over the last couple of years. Most of these private lease customers are people who enjoy driving the newest and highest spec cars, but don’t want to saddle themselves with the huge debt that buying outright would involve. By taking advantage of car leasing, they get the car they want at an affordable rate, and also have the option to hand it back and lease a brand new model a few years down the line.

Contract hire your new fleet motor vehicles now by contacting Lease4less – The UK’s Leading vehicle leasing specialist.