Schlagwort:trading systems

Automated Trading Systems May Be An Efficient Way To Invest

Investing in stocks and bonds and other methods has always been a way to provide an individual with the potential to improve their income. There have been methods of trading since the times of the ancient Romans. Naturally there have always been attempts at discovering better methods at making the right investment choices. No one invests with the idea of losing money. For this reason there are experts that can assist with investing and provide a knowledge that the average investor may not have at their access. Automated trading systems are software programs that are designed to offer a similar service to the average investor.


The Dangers Of Optimizing Trading System Portfolios

We have talked about the dangers of optimizing trading systems (forcing trading systems to conform to historical data), but, one of the subtler types of optimization occurs with portfolio selection. This happens when trading systems are only shown tested across a handful or a small number of markets (or occasionally just one market).
