
Fiat Currency: The Evolution Of Money

We humans are notorious creatures of habit. In many ways, that’s a good thing. Try to imagine all the brain power you’d have to expend if you really had to think about everything to be able to do it. Instead, once we’ve got it down pat, we don’t actually ever think about how to drive an automobile, use our cell phone, or open a mayonnaise jar. The precise physics of these activities are embedded in our neural pathways as an automatic response.


3 Secrets About Money That You Are Struggling With Right Now

Did you know that your attitude toward money affects many different aspects of your life. How you feel about money and wealth affects not only the amount of money a person tends to accumulate but also how happy they are in life. Changing the way you look at income, investing and wealth can literally change your life as well as make you a happier person, in general.


Gold And Its Meaning In Our World

Humans have cherished gold more than any other precious metal throughout history. For centuries it was used as legal tender and it backed legal tender in the United States. Gold adorned kings, pharaohs and in recent years became a sign of opulence among the world’s very wealthy as they coated cars and weapons with the expensive metal. Human beings have been attracted to gold throughout the ages and this trend shows no sign of stopping any time in the near future.


Creating Wealth Quickly And Easily

Creating wealth quickly and feeling the freedom that comes from abundance is probably something that you think of often. The desire to have all your bills paid, money to do what you desire as well as know that your financial future is secure is something that we all want. We want things and we want to give the people that we love a better life and a bright future. We want to leave something behind to be remembered by whether it be a charity in our name or children that have grown up to be strong and wise. We all want a better life for ourselves and the ones we love.
